TACK Growth Strategies - Organizational Development

Organizational Development

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Many organizations undergoing strategic planning or changes in their strategy find it difficult to shift from strategic planning to successful implementation and assimilation of the strategy. As a result, around 80% of strategic decisions in organizations are never implemented.

In order to succeed in effectively realizing the strategy, it is crucial to lead organizational development and change management steps in the organization.

The STEPS model guides strategy leaders through five key steps:

STEPS - Strategy Implementation Model
STEPS model five key steps: Structure, Tools, Execute, Processes, Share


  • Designing organizational development processes and organizational structure that serve the business strategy
  • Defining clear management responsibilities and authority, derived from the strategy and allowing them to successfully implement the strategy
  • Focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) for key employees and managers
  • Placing the right managers in the right places


  • Clear definition of change management metrics
  • Designing an organizational dashboard based on KPIs which allows for a systematic view of the progress in implementation of the strategy


  • Establishing regular management forums to review strategy implementation and to monitor changes and developments
  • Defining clear goals for forums, as well as determining the composition of participants, structure of meetings, content and frequency
  • Including managers from different areas of activity in forums, in order to diversify perspectives and information


  • Organizational consulting processes focused on identifying and improving the key work processes that influence strategy implementation
  • Defining clear priorities for each unit
  • Ensure availability of relevant resources, capabilities and skills
  • Creating quality interfaces between organizational units


  • Defining clear messages to be communicated in the organization, the steps to be taken and the correct sequence of actions - to get buy in for the change
  • Identifying potential difficulties and objections that organizational consulting processes will be able to address
  • Managerial commitment is best expressed via personal example, measurement and managing according to the adopted strategy
  • Employee commitment is created through their participation in decision making processes, communication and inclusion in task teams
As we let our own light shine, we subconsciously give other people permission to do the same. Nelson Mandela